
BESPLATNA DOSTAVA unutar Hrvatske iznad 100€, izvan Hrvatske iznad 150€.


Purchase and payment

You can pay by cash on delivery, payment to your account or by card. For online payment, we use WSPay, which applies the most modern standards in data protection.

How to buy the product?

To purchase a product, simply select and add them to your cart. After that, you can start the purchase process and enter your own information. When we receive your order, you will receive a confirmation email to let you know that your order is on its way.

How to pay by card on the webshop?

To pay online by card, on the last step when shopping, select Card payment. When you confirm the order, you will be redirected to the pages of the WSPay system for online payment. At the same time, an order confirmation will be sent to you via email. When you successfully make the payment on the WSPay pages, you will be returned to the pages of our webshop and you will be sent a payment order email.

Is it safe to pay online by card at the BeNatur webshop?

Online payment by card on our webshop is safe thanks to the WSPay system. WSPay applies the most modern data protection standards - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption and MD5 algorithm. The ISO 8583 protocol ensures that the exchange of data between the system and card authorization centers the house operates in a private network, which is protected from unauthorized access by a double layer "firewall". It is important to note that the company Bilijun Partner d.o.o. does not store or process credit card information of its customers.

How to pay cash on delivery?

In order to pay cash on delivery, or cash, on the last step when shopping, select Cash on delivery. When the delivery service delivers the product, you will pay in cash and your order will be collected. Cash payment is only possible for Croatia and Slovenia.

How to pay via transaction account?

To pay by transaction account, on the last step when shopping, select Transaction account. In the order confirmation email, you will receive payment instructions (recipient, amount, reference number and IBAN). Use this information to make a payment to our account. After payment, we will record the ordered products we send to your address.


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